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Berikut adalah daftar video yang dapat anda download atau tonton ( Click link dibawah untuk emndownload atau menonton) :
Wireless Lan Security Megaprimer Part 2: Bands, Channels And Sniffing
Wireless Lan Security Megaprimer Part 3: Pwning Beacon Frames
Wireless Lan Security Megaprimer Part 4: Dissecting Ap-Client Connections
Wireless Lan Security Megaprimer Part 5:Dissecting Wlan Headers
Wireless Lan Security Megaprimer Part 6: Pwning Hidden Ssids
Wireless Lan Security Megaprimer Part 7: Laughing Off Mac Filters
Wireless Lan Security Megaprimer Part 8: Hacking Wlan Authentication
Wireless Lan Security Megaprimer Part 10: Hacking Isolated Clients
Wireless Lan Security Megaprimer Part 12: Man-In-The-Middle Attack
Wireless Lan Security Megaprimer Part 13 : Ssl Man-In-The-Middle Attacks
Wireless Lan Security Megaprimer Part 16: Caffe Latte Attack Basics
Wireless Lan Security Megaprimer Part 17: Caffe Latte Attack Demo
Wireless Lan Security Megaprimer Part 18: Korek’s Chopchop Attack
Wireless Lan Security Megaprimer Part 19: Fragmentation And Hirte Attack
Wireless Lan Security Megaprimer Part 20: Understanding Wpa/Wpa2
Wi-Fi Challenge 1 (Level Easy) : There Is No Patch For Stupidity!
Wi-Fi Challenge 1 Solution : There Is No Patch For Stupidity!
Wi-Fi Challenge 3 (Level Advanced): Never Underestimate Your Enemy!
Wireless Lan Security Megaprimer Part 24: Speeding Up Wpa/Wpa2 Psk Cracking
Wlan Security Megaprimer Part 25: Mood Swings Of A Wandering Client
Wlan Security Megaprimer Part 26: Cracking Wpa/Wpa2-Psk With Just The Client
Wireless Lan Security Megaprimer Challenge 4: Crack Wpa-Personal With Only Ap
Wireless Lan Security Megaprimer 29: Setting Up Freeradius-Wpe On Backtrack
Wireless Lan Security Megaprimer 30: Eap-Md5 Basics And Demo
Wireless Lan Security Megaprimer 31: Cracking Eap-Md5 With Eapmd5pass And Eapmd5crack
Wireless Lan Security Megaprimer 32: Eap Types And Peap Demo
Wireless Lan Security Megaprimer 34: Cracking Peap In A Windows Network
Wireless Lan Security Megaprimer 36: Insecurity In 3rd Party Wi-Fi Utilities
Wireless Lan Security Megaprimer : Conclusion And The Road Ahead
Malware, Metasploit And The Hosted Network (Swse Addendum 3)
Semoga bisa bermanfaat, belajar dan mendapatkan ilmu dari video tersebut sekaligus belajar bahasa inggris ;)
Have a good study :)
Source :
Special Thanks to : Vivek Ramachandran
Special Thanks to : BINUSHACKER